- Kimpton Art Show operates as an Open Call from Saturday 1st February until Monday 31st March
- However, if our exhibition space is deemed full, we reserve the right to close Submissions prior to Monday 31st March
- We have always allowed for 3D media and Unframed items to be taken at point of sale ……
- We now also allow Framed/Hung paintings to be taken at point of sale should that be required by the purchaser, although many of our guests are happy for the item to be red-spotted until it is collected on Monday afternoon.
SECRET POSTCARD – 4″ x 6″ – Art Card or Mini Canvas
Kimpton Art Show is delighted to invite you to contribute to our Secret Postcard sale. All artworks, to be exhibited anonymously, will be on sale at the price of £10. All funds raised will directly benefit our Church Restoration Trust.
Although restricted to being postcard size, the subject matter and approaches can vary widely, from drawing and painting, to photography and collage, and embroidery.
- Please sign all artworks on verso and bring with you on our art delivery date:
TUESDAY 29th APRIL from 4 – 6.30pm.
The beauty of this event lies in the mystery surrounding your identities, adding an element of excitement and anticipation to each purchase, with our guests uncovering that little gem by a renowned local artist.
- ONLINE SUBMISSION LINK: please begin by clicking here. You will receive a confirmation email detailing your Submission, your unique Submission number and means of payment. If you do not receive your Submission Confirmation please check your Spam/Junk email. Please keep a copy of your Submission.
- HARDCOPY SUBMISSION LINK: Alternatively, you may download and post a hardcopy Submission Form to:
The Chapel, The Green, Kimpton, Hitchin, Herts. SG4 8RZ. You can download a hard copy submission form here
- Please DO NOT submit STRETCHED CANVASES as ‘Unframed’ work.
INSTRUCTIONS for the PREPARATION of Framed and Unframed Work:
Please read all Instructions within our TERMS AND CONDITIONS.
We do not accept signed copies, prints nor digital adaptations.
3D MEDIA including Sculpture, Glass, Ceramics, Jewellery and Textiles are uncatalogued but displayed on 6’ x 3’ tables at £30.00 per table. We are limited by the number of tables we can place in the church and offer priority to repeat exhibitors. Please contact us in January if you would like to reserve a display table.
GREETINGS CARDS are accepted via personal arrangement during our Submission dates from artists who are submitting other artwork.
These will incur a Submission Fee of £3 per 20 cards, up to 60 cards.
Each item is to be ‘Artist Name and Price’ labelled.
In order to effect a smooth and efficient sale of your items, we request that you define:
- No more than two prices for your cards
- These need to be either £/£0.50.
- Titles are not required
Please send the following information, which acts as your Greetings Cards Submission, to: contact@kimptonartshow.co.uk
- Card Price 1. x Quantity
- Card Price 2. x Quantity
Please title the email Subject: KAS Cards, and pay your fee to the same account as your Painting/Table Submission.
PROFILES – Please ensure you follow our PROFILE GUIDELINES
Catalogue Profile: We require an up-to-date Catalogue Profile of no more than 280 characters, written in the 3rd person, to sit alongside your listed work; it will be featured in our Catalogue and on our website.
Website Profile: A fuller profile may be submitted along with images of your work to be included on our website.
IMAGES: Please send ONLY 1 or 2 images of your work as jpg attachments to: contact@kimptonartshow.co.uk
Your images may be used by Kimpton Art Show on Facebook and Instagram. Please ensure the image is of the PAINTING ONLY. Please ensure you pre-edit the image to exclude frame or background.
Please use the email Subject: KAS Images
FEES: Exhibiting fees are due with your Submission Form. Payment is preferable by:
BACS: Kimpton Art Show, Sort Code 60-10-07, Ac Number 85179760
Please CROSS-REFERENCE your payment with your NAME.
or Cheque, made payable to ‘Kimpton Art Show’. Please send cheques to: Kimpton Art Show, The Chapel, The Green, Kimpton, Hitchin, Herts, SG4 8RZ.
COMMISSION on Sales and Sales Payment: A commission of 25% is charged on all sales. We will endeavour to send payment for work sold within two working weeks.
We look forward to receiving your entries. Please complete and return the appropriate submission form with the exhibiting fee as soon as possible. Closing date for entries is Monday 31st March or earlier if display space becomes full. After this date, changes to the catalogue cannot be made.
DELIVERING ARTWORK: All work should be handed in at Kimpton Church on: Tuesday 29th April from 4.00 – 6.30pm.
At this time you will receive your ARTIST PASS which is for your sole use over the weekend
COLLECTING ARTWORK: Unsold exhibits should be collected on: Monday 5th May from 3.30pm – 4.30pm. If you cannot collect your work at these times then you should provide written authority for someone to collect on your behalf. Please note that May Festival activities will be occurring on The Green at this time. Please check our PARKING advice below.
You are invited to the Open Evening on Friday 2nd May from 6 – 9pm. This is a lively occasion when many sales are made. It is an opportunity to browse the exhibition, meet other exhibitors and talk to potential buyers. You may use your ARTIST PASS. For all others there is an entry charge of £7.00.
Other viewing times: Entry £2, Children free
Saturday 4th May 10am – 5pm
Sunday 5th May 10am – 5pm
Monday 6th May 10am – 3pm
PARKING: Parking in Kimpton requires consideration. Car parking is available at the Parkfield Sports Ground off the Hitchin Road and it is only a short walk to the church. Please see MAP. Alternatively, some limited parking is available on Hitchin Road adjacent to the Church and on Kimpton High Street. Please note that by driving into Church Lane you are entering a dead-end road with limited turning space.
FEEDBACK: In order to improve our procedures and efficiency, we welcome all Feedback. The Show develops year on year and we investigate all aspects for the purpose of enhancing your experience. It is often just that passing suggestion that helps us focus on the next move. Please feel free to contact us at contact@kimptonartshow.co.uk
CONTACT US: Please contact Sue Burns for all queries in connection with submitting your art work. Sue is available on 07765 097500 and via email at contact@kimptonartshow.co.uk