SUBMISSION DATES: Saturday 1st February – Monday 31st March
- Kimpton Art Show operates as an Open Call from Saturday 1st February until Monday 31st March
- However, if our exhibition space is deemed full, we reserve the right to close Submissions prior to Monday March 31st
- We have always allowed for 3D media and Unframed items to be taken at point of sale ……
- We now also allow Framed/Hung paintings to be taken at point of sale should that be required by the purchaser, although many of our guests are happy for the item to be red-spotted until it is collected on Monday afternoon.
1. PAINTINGS, Photographs and 2D Media
All work must be original and not breach intellectual property rights. We do not accept signed copies, prints nor digital adaptations. We do not accept work that is marked ‘Not for Sale’ or obviously priced not to sell. The Committee reserves the right to limit numbers and reject any work.
With respect to our Church as a Place Of Worship, we request that you contact the Committee should you be considering submitting any item which might be on the boundaries of respectability. Thank you.
SIZE: Please note that very large works may be rejected if space is unavailable. 1metre dimensions represent our upper limit. However, please contact us should you wish to exhibit large work and we will endeavour to accommodate you. An extra large painting will be charged at a higher submission fee of £10.
As we are unable to hang very heavy works on our display boards, please contact us should any item be of concern.
A) FRAMED/stretched canvases – maximum 4 items – Fee £6 per exhibit.
Instructions for Preparation: Each framed painting, stretched canvas or photograph must be prepared with eyelets/D rings (securely fixed and held flush with tape to the back of the work), cord/wire and a label on the back with the Title, Sale Price and Name. Clip frames are not acceptable. Large works are often difficult to hang because of the required wall space and we are unable to hang unusually heavy work. Please contact us for prior approval.
B) UNFRAMED (not hung) – maximum 6 items – Fee £3 per exhibit.
Instructions for Preparation: Each exhibit must be backed on to stiff card, wrapped in clear cellophane and have a label on the back with the Title, Sale Price and Name. These items will not be listed in our Catalogue. They will be displayed within Art Browsers.
2. 3D MEDIA – Sculpture, glassware, ceramics, stained glass, textiles
Items are uncatalogued but listed within our stock list and displayed on a 6’ x 3’ table at the following rate: £30.00 per table. We offer priority to repeat exhibitors.
Please contact us in January if you would like to reserve a display table.
3. GREETINGS CARDS are accepted via personal arrangement during our Submission dates from artists who are submitting other artwork.
These will incur a Submission Fee of £3 per 20 cards, up to 60 cards.
Each item is to be ‘Artist Name and Price’ labelled.
In order to effect a smooth and efficient sale of your items, we request that you define:
- No more than two prices for your cards
- These need to be either £/£0.50.
- Titles are not required.
Please send the following information, which acts as your Greetings Cards Submission, to:
- Card Price 1. x Quantity
- Card Price 2. x Quantity
Please title the email Subject: KAS Cards, and pay your fee to the same account as your Painting/Table Submission.
Please ensure you follow our PROFILE GUIDELINES
A) Catalogue Profile: We require an up-to-date Catalogue Profile of no more than ‘280 characters’, written in the 3rd person, which is required to sit alongside your listed framed work in the Catalogue; it will be featured on our website.
B) Website Profile: A fuller profile may be submitted along with images of your work to be included on our website.
Please send ONLY 1 or 2 images of your work as jpg attachments to:
Please use the email Subject: KAS Images.
Please ensure that the image is of the PAINTING ONLY and that the image is pre-edited to EXCLUDE frame or background.
Your images may be used by Kimpton Art Show on Facebook and Instagram.
6. FEES:
Exhibiting fees are due with your Submission Form. Payment is preferable by:
BACS: Kimpton Art Show, Sort Code 60-10-07, Ac Number 85179760
Please CROSS-REFERENCE your payment with your NAME.
or Cheque, made payable to ‘Kimpton Art Show’. Please send cheques to: Kimpton Art Show, The Chapel, The Green, Kimpton, Hitchin, Herts, SG4 8RZ.
7. COMMISSION on Sales and Sales Payment:
A commission fee of 25% is deducted from all sales.
We would prefer to pay your balance by BACS transfer, and will contact you for those details once a sale has been made. Otherwise, we aim to make payments by cheque within 2 working weeks.
No lighting will be permitted that requires a mains power supply. Battery powered lighting may be allowed subject to the prior agreement of the Art Show Committee.
9. CLOSING DATE for Entries – MONDAY 31st MARCH
Please return your Submission Form, fee and profile by Monday 31st March. After this, changes to the Catalogue cannot be made.
All artwork and media should be handed in at Kimpton Parish Church on: TUESDAY 29th APRIL from 4 – 6.30pm.
11. COLLECTION – MONDAY 5th MAY 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Unsold exhibits MUST be collected on MONDAY 5th MAY. The Church will be staffed from 3.30pm. If you cannot manage these times, please give someone your written authority to collect.
Kimpton Art Show reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to limit numbers of exhibits and to reject any work without providing a reason.
Work is NOT insured by Kimpton Art Show and artists should make their own insurance arrangements. Art work that is sold remains the responsibility of the artist until the work is collected by the purchaser at the end of the show.
However, all due care will be taken in handling and protecting your artwork and the Church will be locked outside show hours except during church services.
While all measures are taken to protect your work, all work is accepted at the owner’s risk and Kimpton Art Show accepts NO LIABILITY.
Kimpton Art Show accepts NO LIABILITY to artists if the Art Show is cancelled for any reason.